Aesthetic treatments in psoriasis patients: An analysis of existing literature

androgenetic alopecia and traction alopecia. A 4 mm punch biopsy ofthe left temporal scalp was performed.Results: The results of the punch biopsy confirmed our clinical sus-picion of FFA. Horizontal sections revealed a total of 10 hair follicles,all in the anagen phase. Several follicular units were replaced byfibrosis, and sebaceous glands were absent. A moderate to focallydense perivascular and perifollicular lymphohistiocytic infiltrateand moderate perifollicular fibrosis were discerned at the level ofthe follicular isthmus and infundibulum, leading to thinning andasymmetry of follicular epithelium. Lastly, marked focal folliculardestruction with naked hair shafts and adjacent foreign body giantcell reaction were observed.Conclusion: FFA can present in a variety of ways. Although thediagnosis in patients with typical findings is fairly straightforward,this case demonstrates how this disease needs to be considered inall patients, including young women in their twenties. Because thehistopathologic findings can be focal in early cases, the clinical sus-picion of scarring alopecia is helpful for the dermatopathologist toconsider the diagnosis when faced with subtle findings. Early diag-nosis and prompt treatment for this emotionally devastating diseaseare essential because salvage of incompletely destroyed hair folliclesand a decrease in inflammation result in greater retention of hairover time.

The microbiome of the human skin and its variability in psoriasisand atopic dermatitis

Malgorzata Mazura,b, Hanna Tomczakc,d, Martha Lodygaa,b,Zygmunt Adamskib,c,d,eaMedical Dermatology Clinic, Poznan, PolandbDepartment of Medical Mycology and Dermatology, Poznan Universityof Medical Sciences, Poznan, PolandcDepartment of Genetics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology, PoznanUniversity of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PolanddCentral Microbiological Laboratory, S´wie˛cicki University Hospital,Poznan, PolandeDepartment and Clinics of Dermatology, Poznan University of MedicalSciences, Poznan, PolandBackground: The human organism is inhabited by very diversemicroorganisms that constitute the so-called human microbiomeand are necessary for the proper functioning of the macroorganism.The correct microbiome ensures homeostasis of the body. A distur-bance in its homeostasis leads to dysbiosis. Such deviations may alsobe related to the development of inflammatory skin diseases, includ-ing atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.Objective: This review aims to analyze the most current publisheddata on the microbiome of the human skin and examine its role incutaneous skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.Methods: This review was compiled by collaborating dermatolo-gists who specialize in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. A comprehen-sive review of the current literature was examined using PubMedand limited to relevant case reports and original papers on the skinmicrobiome in atopic dermatitis and/or psoriasis.Results: Whether changes in the microbiome are the cause or con-sequence of disease (atopic dermatitis/psoriasis) have not yet beenestablished. However, in the cases where pathological microflorapredominated, an intensification of lesion severity was observed,but with clinical improvement, commensal microflora was restored.Conclusion: Modification of the composition of the microflora maylead to changes in the activation of the immune system and eventu-ally to the development of inflammatory diseases. Adverse effects onthe microbiome may include antibiotics, poor diet, stress, andadverse environmental conditions. However, more research isneeded to identify exact details and mechanisms.

Aesthetic treatments in psoriasis patients: An analysis of existing literature

Malgorzata Mazura,b, Martha Lodygaa,b, Zygmunt AdamskiaaDepartment and Clinic of Dermatology, Poznan University of MedicalSciences, Poznan, PolandbMedical Dermatology Clinic, Poznan, PolandBackground: Psoriasis is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skindisease with excessive hyperkeratosis of the epidermis. Like manyothers, patients with psoriasis are interested in anti-aging treat-ments. However, there are no definite guidelines for their use in thisgroup of patients. Moreover, the treatment of psoriasis invokes fur-ther doubts due to the immunosuppressive nature of preferredtherapies.Objective: This review aims to analyze the most current publisheddata, thus indirectly demonstrating appropriate proceedings foresthetic procedures in psoriasis, including those on biologics.Methods: This review was compiled by collaborating dermatolo-gists who specialize in esthetic medicine and psoriasis. A compre-hensive review of the current literature was examined usingPubMed and limited to relevant case reports and original paperson common esthetic treatments in psoriasis and/or biologics.Results: Many esthetic procedures can be safely used in patientswith psoriasis and even those on biologics. Additionally, several,such as botulinum toxin, are argued to be therapeutic. However, itis imperative to use an individualized approach with each patientand remain vigilant for any complications as flare-ups,Koebnerization, hypersensitivity, or even HSV-1 encephalitis.Conclusion: Despite the increasing use of esthetic procedures inseveral populations, the use of these treatments remains ambigu-ous in this group of patients and warrants establishing clearguidelines.

The proportion of male and female editors in women’s healthjournals: An analysis and reviewMadison Grinnella, Shauna Higginsa, Kelli Yosta, Olivia Ochubab,Marissa Lobla, Pearl Grimesc, Ashley WysongaaDepartment of Dermatology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,Omaha, NE, United StatesbCreighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE, United StatescVitiligo & Pigmentation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, United States

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